IAC™ Insurers are unique insurance companies governed under the Investors Guaranty Fund, Ltd. (Policyholder Reserves) Act, 1991 (the “IGF Act”). The IGF Act and The IGF System™ have a primary objective to provide the highest level of safety, security and assurance of timely payment of Policy obligations of IAC™ Insurers.

Each IAC Insurer™ operates through standardised Policy forms and each Policy obligation is backed by eligible government obligations in a government approved custody framework.

This unique and patented risk transfer structure provides a means of creating long-term risk capacity for specific insureds, which may be applied to a changing set of risk exposures periodically. It also enables third party participation in designing and developing bespoke coverages to address the world’s most intractable risk mitigation and transfer issues.

The statutory reserve structure of the IGF Act and the standardised capital instruments enable capital markets investors to participate in risk and generate return from insurance linked activities.

Whether you are a party requiring specialised insurance coverages, an institutional investor wishing to diversify your portfolio strategies, an insurance professional, asset advisor, capital markets professional, industry service provider or regulator, the IAC™ Insurers  have been designed to facilitate solutions and objectives of interest to you.

For Sponsors, risk, assets and capital markets professionals, the IACCube provides an elegant platform to create and operate risk mitigation, and insurance capacity solutions, as well as generating funding for insurance underwriting capacity, projects, portfolio strategies, acquisitions, and special purposes.